École biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem
There are several types of scholarship available for study at the ÉBAF
1) Académie des Inscriptions et des Belles Lettres scholarship
These include tuition fees, 24/7 access to the library and full board.
These scholarships are funded by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Obélisque Foundation.
To find out more, click here.
2) Catholic Biblical Association of America scholarship
It is intended for active professors. The Catholical Biblical Association of America offers a Visiting Professorship to teach temporarily at the ÉBAF.
To find out more, click here.
3) Canadian Friends of the ÉBAF scholarship
As its name suggests, this scholarship is intended for students registered at a Canadian university.
To find out more, click here.
4) Gamberoni scholarship | Gamberoni-Stipendium
Ein spezielles Stipendium, das Gamberoni-Stipendium, wird ebenfalls alle drei Jahre vergeben und richtet sich entweder an einen Priester aus der Diözese Brixen oder Paderborn, der an der Bibelschule promovieren möchte, oder an einen Studenten einer deutschen, österreichischen oder schweizerischen Universität, der im Rahmen seiner Doktorarbeit ein Jahr an der Bibelschule studieren möchte.
BEWERBUNG Verlangt werden: ein Lebenslauf ; der Abschluss der theologischen Studien (Kopie des Diplom- oder Masterzeugnisses) ; die Beschreibung des Promotionsprojekts ; eine Empfehlung des Betreuers/ der Betreuerin der Promotion.*Die Bewerbung ist bis spätestens 30. April des dem gewünschten Aufenthalt vorausgehenden akademischen Jahres an secretariat.ebaf@gmail.com zu richten.
Direct support from the School is offered in varying numbers each year depending on the state of funding and the quality of the applications, thanks to the generosity of: the Association française des Amis de l’École biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem (AAEBAF), the Association of the American Friends of the École biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem (AFEBAF), the Swiss Association of the Holy Land, and the benefactors and donors of The Bible In Its Traditions research programme.
5) ÉBAF (post)doctoral scholarship
This scholarship is open to PhDs in biblical sciences and biblical theology. The scholarship holder must be physically present at the ÉBAF and participate in research activities.
The €10,000 scholarship covers: all on-campus accommodation and food costs for five months; 24/7 access to the library; the possibility of attending courses at the School and requesting tutoring; topographical outings and excursions. N.B. Return flights to Tel Aviv Ben Gurion airport and transport to and from Jerusalem, visa and insurance costs, optional study trips (Galilee, Negev, Jordan) are at the doctoral student’s own expense.
APPLICATION: At least two semesters before the date of the desired stay, send a dossier to: secretariat.ebaf@gmail.com including: a letter of motivation indicating the other institutions to which the candidate has applied; his/her curriculum vitae including bibliography; two letters of recommendation; presentation of the research project (maximum 1,000 words). Response within two months
6) International mobility grants from The Bible In Its Traditions
Each year, the editorial committee of the Bible in Its Traditions programme offers one to four AMIs to young researchers (Masters level and above) in the following disciplines: biblical philology, biblical exegesis, history of the reception of the Bible, in particular the history of art.
In exchange for 28 hours of scientific and editorial assistance per week, the fellows receive a return flight to Jerusalem (Tel Aviv Ben Gurion airport), full board on campus and access to the library and teaching facilities.
APPLICATION: each year the programme publishes calls for applications on its portal bibletraditions.org. Unsolicited applications can be sent to the programme director: bible.in.its.traditions@gmail.com.
7) Ad hoc research grants
The ÉBAF endeavours to facilitate access to its research framework for university colleagues by granting partial support. Depending on the duration and nature of the project, different formulas may be envisaged. These range from 30 days (research month) to one semester (4 months), full board, and include access to the library 24/7, courses and seminars, and, on request, personalised tutoring.
APPLICATION: At least two semesters before the date of the desired stay, send to: secretariat.ebaf@gmail.com a dossier including: a letter of motivation indicating the other institutions to which the candidate has applied; his/her curriculum vitae including bibliography; presentation of the research project (maximum 1,000 words). Response within two months.