Published since 1964, the Cahiers de la Revue Biblique – the secondary series of the École – welcomes work on more limited subjects, but which exceed the normal limits of a journal article. Since 1982, the series has been open to submissions in the more common European languages.

Here are the most recent issues, published in 2016-2022:

  • The topography of ancient Jerusalem : essays on the urban planning record, defences and gates : 2ⁿᵈ century BC – 2ⁿᵈ century AD / by Dominique-Marie Cabaret, O.P. ; translated from the French by David Orton. 2022
  • Sur les pas des arpenteurs romains : la via nova de la Provincia arabia entre Bostra et Philadelphia, Vol. 2, Khirbet es-Samra / par Gérard Thébault. 2022
  • Palestinian traditional pottery : a contribution to Palestinian culture / John Landgraf, Owen Rye ; editors Elizabeth Burr, Jean-Baptiste Humbert, Owen Rye, [et al.]. 2021
  • Le mariage dans l’œuvre de Flavius Josèphe : une étude du droit matrimonal en ses sources / par Bertrand Pinçon. 2021
  • Le prophète s”avance masqué : commentaire et traversée biblique du livre de Jonas / par Claude Lichtert. 2021
  • Marco Settembrini, La purità e il cuore dell’uomo. Indagini lessicali e percorsi teologici attorno a καθαρός, N°94, d. Peeters, Leuven, 2019, 199 p.
  • Paul-Marie Fidèle Chango o.p., L’ecclésiaste à la confluence du judaïsme et de l’hellénisme. Deux siècles d’histoire des études comparées du Qohélet et des vestiges littéraires et philosophiques grecs, N°93, Éd. Peeters, Leuven, 2018, 179 p.
  • Étienne Nodet o.p., The Hebrew Bible of Josephus. Main Features, N°92, Éd. Peeters, Leuven, 2018, 286 p.
  • Adrian Schenker o.p., Clemens Locher, H.G.M. Williamson, Un maître de la critique textuelle: Dominique Barthélemy. L’édition de la ‘Critique textuelle de l’Ancien Testament’ (1982-2015), N°91, Éd. Peeters, Leuven, 2018, 68 p.
  • Anca Dan, Étienne Nodet o.p., Coelé-Syrie. Palestine, Judée, Pérée, n°86, Éd. Peeters, Leuven, 2017, 144 p.

  • Paulo Garuti o.p., Le dossier Jézabel. L’imaginaire de la «femme royale» entre Bible hébraïque, cultures hellénisées et monde romain, N°90, Éd. Peeters, Leuven, 2017, 180 p.
  • Christa Clamer, Kay Prag, Jean-Baptiste Humbert o.p. (eds), Colegio del Pilar. Excavations in Jerusalem, Christian Quarter, Cahiers de la Revue Biblique series archaeologica, N°88, 2017, Éd. Peeters, Leuven, 168 p.

  • Étienne Nodet o.p., Texte et sommaires des «Antiquités» de Josèphe. Éditions multiples, N°89, Éd. Peeters, Leuven, 2017, 189 p.

  • Pierre de Martin de Vivies, François Lestang (eds.), « Souvenez-vous ! » La mémoire sélective de l’épître de Jude, N°87, Éd. Peeters, Leuven, 2016, 151 p.

If you would like to publish your work in one of the series, please contact the Series Editor : Martin Staszak:

1. Manuscripts submitted for publication are forwarded to the editorial board.
The members of the board are: Françoise Briquel Chatonnet (Paris), Yunus Demirci (Jerusalem), Anthony Giambrone (Jerusalem), Daniel Machiela (Notre Dame, USA), Gudrun Nassauer (Fribourg, Switzerland), Łukasz Popko (Jerusalem), Martin Staszak (Jerusalem).

2. The criteria for acceptance are:
a. The relevance of the topic within the scientific discussion. The topic must be sufficientely specific: introductions or topics that are too general cannot be considered.
b. The quality and breadth of the scientific argumentation, consideration of the respective state of discussion within and outside theological debate, including counter-positions, respect for the opinions of others, regardless of one’s own convictions, and the achievement of a result that makes a significant contribution to the discussion.
c. The comprehensible and concise presentation of the topic and one’s own scientific argumentation; this must not be exclusively limited to a particular school or use terminology that only insiders understand, even in the professional world.
d. The formal presentation of the work according to standard practices (e.g. through indexes).
e. The series, especially the “Études Bibliques”, also want to promote young scholars and publish their qualifying works. Only above-average works are considered for this.
f. The series are designed to be international and publish in the five languages, in agreement with the publisher (French, English, German, Italian, Spanish).
3. If necessary, the respective representatives may, after consultation with the series editor, ask other experts for their opinion.
4. The guidelines for Authors can be found at: www.

The last publications of our series can be found at: