“Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends” – Evocation of the 19 Algerian Church Martyrs

On the December 8th, 19 Algerian church martyrs were beatified in the Santa Cruz sanctuary in Oran. Br. Jean Jacques Pérennès o.p., director of the […]

Régis Burnet et l’histoire de la réception

Lorsqu’il était encore étudiant à l’École Normale Supérieure, Régis Burnet a réussi à concilier son travail de normalien et son intérêt pour la Bible en […]

3 Students Revist Their Semester in Jerusalem

Doctoral students writing theses or at the end of their studies in biblical theology and exegesis, Nathalie, Fr. Stéphane and Fr. Martin lived and studied […]

Exegesis: The Servant and the Servants in Isaiah 40-66

The Prof. Dr. Ulrich Berges, from the Bonn Universität, was student at the École biblique during the years 1980’s. He came back last week to […]

Marc Girard: The biblical symbols resonate in both Testaments

Fr. Marc Girard, a priest of the Diocese of Chicoutimi in Canada, is a Visiting Professor at the École Biblique and an Associate Researcher for […]