Funeral of fr. Francolino Gonçalves

Fr. Francolino José Gonçalves, op, professor of Old Testament at the École biblique of Jerusalem, died on June 15, 2017 at the age of 74 […]

Exhibition in Krakow for the Jewish Festival

The École biblique participates in an exhibition in Krakow for the Jewish festival. Here is the text of presentations of the old photographs of the École /Priory’s […]

The Joseph Story and The Divine Long-Range Planner

Listening to Prof. Kugel, one would easily understand that the author of “How to read the bible?” is more interested in asking good questions than […]

Paths of Light in Isaiah: From the diachronic to the synchronic approach

The Book of Isaiah has been the classic example for historical-critical exegesis in proving the necessity of a diachronic study. Indeed, we can easily point […]

The Communication of the École is being modernized, follow us !

A New Website You are on the new website of the École Biblique et Archéologique, it was presented last Friday April 28th to all the […]

The Lagrange Lectures: a New Initiative at the Ecole

One of the newest initiatives at the École biblique is the launching of a series of high profile annual lectures. The project is conceived with […]

Exegesis: The Servant and the Servants in Isaiah 40-66

The Prof. Dr. Ulrich Berges, from the Bonn Universität, was student at the École biblique during the years 1980’s. He came back last week to […]