For the first thursday conference of the academic year, Friar Łukasz Popko, o.p., professor in Old Testament at the l’ÉBAF, shared his latest research with us: a reflexion based on biblical extracts from two editions of the Book of the Kings, each criticising the worst monarch(s) of Ancient Israel their way.

Photo: ÉBAF, Ordo Prædicatorum.

Many are the variants of the judgements given on the kings and their dynasty. If the books show a hierarchy of those bad kings, all considered responsible for the downfall of the hebrew kingdom, who condemned whom and how? Examining what criteria were used to make such allegations is at the core of this investigation.

Photo: ÉBAF, Ordo Prædicatorum.


Meanwhile, Friar Łukasz’s latest book Interroger Dieu, co-written with Friar Timothy Radcliffe, o.p., newly-appointed cardinal and former master of the preacher order, and chancelor of the l’École from 1992 to 2001, with a preface from Pope Francis, is now available in French on Éditions du Cerf.


Watch the whole conference (in French) on our YouTube channel

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