As the École Biblique de Jérusalem prepares to begin a new academic year in spite of significant traffic restrictions, the publication by Pope Francis of a letter on St. Jerome and Bible study is a powerful encouragement. In his desire to help all Christians to become familiar with the sacred text, the Pope once again expressed his support for the work of specialists, especially in the Holy Land. A beautiful text to meditate on in this time of recovery.

To read the Apostolic Letter, click here : “Apostolic Letter Scripturae Sacrae Affectus of the Holy Father Francis on the sixteen hundredth anniversary on the death of Saint Jerome”.

To read the Vatican News article that that analyzes the Apostolic Letter, click here : “New Apostolic Letter highlights St Jerome’s love of Scripture”.
For a more detailed analysis, in French : “Le Pape consacre une lettre à saint Jérôme, 1600 ans après sa mort”.

Photography : Saint Jérôme écrivant, Caravage, v. 1605-1606, oil on canva, 116 × 1531 cm, Galleria Borghese, Roma. © Il ragazzo, Cathopic.