Assistant to the Director for Études Bibliques and Cahiers de la Revue Biblique.
Member of the editorial committee for the Bible in its Traditions.
⇒ Contact: popko@ebaf.edu
Province of Poland
Born in 1978 in Poland.
– Polish (read, written, spoken)
– English (read, written, spoken)
– French (read, written, spoken)
– Italian (read, written, spoken)
– Spanish (read, written, spoken)
– German (read, written, spoken)
– Greek,
– Ancient Hebrew
– Latin
– Syriac
Areas of research:
Textual criticism of the Old Testament, prophetic books (especially Jeremiah, Hoseaand Isaiah), biblical poetry, literary devices, Iron Age History.
Academic degrees
2004: Master of Theology at the College of the Dominicans in Cracow.
2009: Bachelor of Science degree in GDP Rome.
2013: writes his doctorate at the ÉBAF under the direction of Francolino Gonçalves, op (defense in 2013).
Teaching experience
During two years teaching at the College of the Dominicans in Krakow (the Old Testament, Biblical Hebrew and Biblical hermeneutics).
2015: assigned to the ÉBAF. Seminar on two texts of the Book of Jeremiah; The introduction to the history of the Southern Levant (period of Iron).
Main publications and work in progress
Edition of the 2 Kings for “Biblia Hebraica Quinta”.
In the Bible Studies: Ł. Popko, Marriage Metaphor and Feminine Imagery in Jer 2:1 – 4:2. A Diachronic Study Based on the MT and LXX (EB 70, Paris 2015) pp. 656.
In the Bible in its Traditions serie:
– Hosea, Peeters (2017)
– Jonah. Is it Good for You to Be Angry, Peeters (to be published in 2023)