Émile Puech


Director of Research Emeritus at the CNRS, Paris.

⇒ Contact: emile.puech@gmail.com

Born in 1941 in France.

– Occitan (read, written, spoken)
– French (read, written, spoken)
– English (read, written, spoken)
– German (read, written, spoken)
– Italian, Spanish, Portuguese (read)

Samaritan, Ammonite, Moabite, Edomite, Palmyrenian, Nabataean, Syriac, Christo- Palestinian, Ugarite, Canaanite, Phoenician, Punic, Latin, Neo-Punic, Akkadian, Babylonian, South Arabic (Hadramautite, Sabaean, Qatabanite), Minaean), North Arabic (Thamoudéan, Safaïtic, Lihyanite, Dedanite), Ancient Ethiopian (Geez), Ancient Arabic.

Academic degrees
1967-69: Master of Theology, Faculty of Theology, Catholic Institute of Paris.
School of Ancient Oriental Languages, Inst. Cath., Paris: Hebrew-Greek-Aramaic.
Graduated from the School of Ancient Oriental Languages, Inst. Cath., Paris.
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Études, Sect. V, Patristic Latin.
1969-70: Doctoral degree, Diploma of Biblical Studies, Cath. Institute, Paris.
School of Ancient Oriental Languages, Inst. Cath., Paris: Hebrew, Aramaic, Syriac, Ugaritic.
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Études, Section IV, Semitic Philology: Aramaic, Hebrew, Akkadian.
Section V, History of Religions.
1970-71: School of Ancient Oriental Languages, Inst. Cath., Paris: Aramaic, Syriac, Ugaritic, Geez.
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Études, Sect. IV, Semitic Philology: Aramaic, Hebrew, Akkadian.
Sect. V, History of Religions.
École du Louvre: Semitic epigraphy and Mesopotamian sigillography.
1971-72: Scholarship of the Academy of Inscriptions and Belles Lettres at the École biblique et archéologique de Jérusalem, titular student.
1972-73: Graduate of the École biblique et archéologique de Jérusalem.
1992: Doctor in History of Religions – Religious Anthropology of the University of Paris IV – Sorbonne & Doctor of Theology of the Catholic Institute of Paris (Jean and Maurice De Pange Prize).
2001: Habilitation to direct research, Marc Bloch University – Strasbourg II.

Professional activities and teaching experience :
1969-71: Assistant at the Faculty of Theology (Cycle C) and in charge of the introductory course in Hebrew at the School of Ancient Oriental Languages, Institut Catholique, Paris.
1971-72: Scholarship student at the École Biblique et Archéologique Française, Jerusalem.
1973-ss: Member of the French Catholic Association of Biblical Studies. Correspondent for the review Le Monde de la Bible, Bayard, Paris.
1973-ss: Member of the editorial board of the Revue Biblique, EBAF.
1973 ss : Correspondent for the magazine Bible et Terre Sainte, then Le Monde de la Bible
1976-79: Work agreement – CNRS, assistant in Archaeology and lecturer: Semitic epigraphy, EBAF.
1976-86: Deputy Director of the Revue de Qumrân, Gabalda edition, Paris. Co-publisher of a Starcky of unpublished Hebrew manuscripts from Cave 4 of Qumran.
1980-83: Research Associate at the CNRS, ERA 358 of Semitic Epigraphy Paris. At the disposal of the École Biblique and lecturer in epigraphy and qumrânology.
1983-ss: Research fellow at the CNRS, ERA 358 – URA 1062 Paris. At the disposal of the École Biblique and lecturer in epigraphy and qumrânology.
1982-ss: Co-editor of a set of unpublished Aramaic manuscripts from cave 4 (Starcky sey) and member of the international team for the publication of the manuscripts of cave 4.
1986-ss: Director of the Revue de Qumrân, Gabalda edition, Paris.
1988-ss: Member of the Société des Lettres, Sciences et Arts de l’Aveyron, Rodez.
1988-ss: Publisher of the Starcky set of unpublished Hebrew, Aramaic and Nabataean manuscripts.
1989-ss: Founding member of the International Organization for the Qumran Studies.
1989-90: Guest Professor at the Institute for Advanced Studies, Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
1991 (21-1)-ss: Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Oxford.
1991 (14-10)- 2012: Member of the Asian Society, Palais de l’Institut, Paris.
1993-ss: Member of the Editorial Board of the Dead Sea Discoveries, Brill, Leiden.
1993-ss: Consultant for the Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea Scrolls project, New York.
1993-ss: Professor at the EBAF.
1996-99: Director of Research at the CNRS – UMR 9930, French Research Center in Jerusalem.
1998-ss: Member of The International Scholars Council of the Foundation on Judaism and Christian Origins.
1999-ss: DR-CNRS-UMR 1062-ERS 1993. Institute of Semitic Studies, Collège de France, Paris.
2001-ss: DR-CNRS-UMR 7119. Laboratory of Ancient Semitic Studies, Collège de France, Paris.
2001-ss : Member of the International Board of the Bulletin of Nabatean Studies.
2006 ff: Membro del Comitato di redazione della Rivista Biblica, Bologna.
2007 ff: Membro del Comité Asesor de Estudios Bíblicos, Madrid.
2007: Corresponding member of the Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Philologisch-Historischen Klasse.
2008: Patronage Committee of the journal Semitica et Classica, Paris.
2008 01-09: Emeritus Research Director at the CNRS, Paris.
2010 ff: Membro del Comité editorial de Revista Bíblica, Buenos Aires.
2010 ff: Membro del Comité Editorial de Antiguo Oriente, Buenos Aires.
2011 ff: Emeritus Professor at the EBAF.
2013: Director Emeritus of the Qumran Review.

Awards :
2001 01-01: Knight of the Legion of Honor.
2006: Honored with a volume of Blends: From 4QMMT To Resurrection. Mélanges qumraniens en hommage à Émile Puech, ed. by F. García Martínez, A. Steudel, E. Tigchelaar(STDJ LXI; Leiden – Boston, Brill, 2006).
2008: Winner of the Charles Clermont-Ganneau Prize for Semitic Epigraphy, Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres.
2021: Honored with a second volume of Melanges: HOKHMAT SOPHER. Edited by Jean-Sébastien REY and Martin STASZAK, Études Bibliques (Nouvelle Série. N° 88), PEETERS, Leuven -Paris- Bristol, CT, 2021.

Research projects and areas of interest :
The corpus of the Dead Sea Scrolls, history of the site, the Essenes.
Peritestamental literature.
Semitic epigraphy: Canaanite, Phoenician, Punic, Hebrew, Aramaic, Christo-Palestinian, origin of the alphabet.
Nabatean papyris editions.