Jorge-Francisco Vargas, OP


SACRISTAN of the convent
ASSISTANT in Biblical Theology and Semitic Languages,
Member of the editorial committee of the Bible in its Traditions,
Member of the Editorial Board of Qol – Revista Bíblica Mexicana,
Technical Coordinator of the Revue Biblique,
Member of the Association of Bible Scholars of Mexico.

⇒ Contact:

Dominican province of Santiago de Mexico

Born in 1974 in Mexico.

– Spanish (read, written and spoken)
– French (read, written and spoken)
– English (read, written and spoken)

– Biblical Hebrew
– Biblical Greek
– Biblical Aramaic
– Ugaritic

Academic degrees
• 2002: Bachelor of Philosophy in León, Mexico (Dominican ‘Thomas Aquinas’ Center for Philosophical Studies)
• 2005: Bachelor Degree in Biblical Theology (Pontifical University of Mexico) (2005),
• 2011: Baccalaureate in Holy Scripture (2011).

Current research location
Since 2012, École biblique et archéologique de Jérusalem.

Recent Conferences
– Jerusalem, July 17, 2019 : Presentation of the Saint Stephen’s Estate and EBAF, addressed to the students of the Biblical Master’s program of the University of Deusto, Spain.
– Mexico City, August 28, 2019: “Marie-Joseph Lagrange, at the service of the Word of God”.
– Jerusalem, October 3, 2019: Presentation of the “Context” section of the BEST project, in the EBAF Back-to-School Seminar.
– Jerusalem, October 8, 2019: “Religion in the Bronze Age in the South Levant” in the EBAF seminar.

Courses taught
– Biblical Hebrew
– Ugaritic language

The course/seminar on Ugaritics 2021-2022 aims at a first knowledge of this Semitic language, its cuneiform writing, its morphology (semester I) and its literature (semester II). At the same time, a discovery of ugaric studies for biblical fields. Direct work on KTU texts 4.169; 4.284; 2.11; 2.13; 2.30; 2.81; 3.3; 3.4; 3.9; 1.114; 1.3.iii.4-31.

Recommended reading
-Hoffer, Vicki – Pedrotti Kittel, Bonnie – Abs Wright, Rebecca. Biblical Hebrew: Text and Workbook. Revised edition (1989). Yale Language. Yale University Press, 2004.
-Joüon, Paul-Muraoka, Takamitsu. A Grammar of Biblical Hebrew. Second Edition (2011). Subsidia Biblica 27. Rome: Editor Pontificio Istituto Biblico, 2008.
-Kessler-Mesguich, Sophie. Biblical Hebrew in 15 lessons: basic grammar, corrected exercises, commented biblical texts, Hebrew-French lexicon. Ancient studies. Rennes: University Press of Rennes, 2008.
-Verheij, Arian. Elementary grammar of Biblical Hebrew. The world of the bible 57. Geneva, 2007.
-Weingreen, Jacob. Biblical Hebrew: elementary method. Second edition revised and corrected (1959). Trans by Paul Herbert. Paris: Beauchesne, 2007.