
ASSISTANT in Biblical Theology and Semitic Languages,
Member of the editorial committee of the Bible in its Traditions,
Member of the Editorial Board of Qol – Revista Bíblica Mexicana,
Technical Coordinator of the Revue Biblique,
Member of the Association of Bible Scholars of Mexico.

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Dominican province of Santiago de Mexico

Born on 8 May 1974 in Mexico City (Mexico).
Ordained priest on 18 November 2006 in Mexico City (Mexico).

– Spanish (read, written and spoken)
– French (read, written and spoken)
– English (read, written and spoken)

– Biblical Hebrew
– Biblical Greek
– Biblical Aramaic
– Ugaritic

Academic degrees
• 2002: Bachelor of Philosophy in León, Mexico (Dominican ‘Thomas Aquinas’ Center for Philosophical Studies)
• 2005: Bachelor Degree in Biblical Theology (Pontifical University of Mexico) (2005),
• 2011: Baccalaureate in Holy Scripture (2011).

Current research location
Since 2012, École biblique et archéologique de Jérusalem.

Recent Conferences
– Jerusalem, July 17, 2019 : Presentation of the Saint Stephen’s Estate and EBAF, addressed to the students of the Biblical Master’s program of the University of Deusto, Spain.
– Mexico City, August 28, 2019: “Marie-Joseph Lagrange, at the service of the Word of God”.
– Jerusalem, October 3, 2019: Presentation of the “Context” section of the BEST project, in the EBAF Back-to-School Seminar.
– Jerusalem, October 8, 2019: “Religion in the Bronze Age in the South Levant” in the EBAF seminar.

Courses taught
– Biblical Hebrew
– Ugaritic language

The course/seminar on Ugaritics 2021-2022 aims at a first knowledge of this Semitic language, its cuneiform writing, its morphology (semester I) and its literature (semester II). At the same time, a discovery of ugaric studies for biblical fields. Direct work on KTU texts 4.169; 4.284; 2.11; 2.13; 2.30; 2.81; 3.3; 3.4; 3.9; 1.114; 1.3.iii.4-31.

Recommended reading
-Hoffer, Vicki – Pedrotti Kittel, Bonnie – Abs Wright, Rebecca. Biblical Hebrew: Text and Workbook. Revised edition (1989). Yale Language. Yale University Press, 2004.
-Joüon, Paul-Muraoka, Takamitsu. A Grammar of Biblical Hebrew. Second Edition (2011). Subsidia Biblica 27. Rome: Editor Pontificio Istituto Biblico, 2008.
-Kessler-Mesguich, Sophie. Biblical Hebrew in 15 lessons: basic grammar, corrected exercises, commented biblical texts, Hebrew-French lexicon. Ancient studies. Rennes: University Press of Rennes, 2008.
-Verheij, Arian. Elementary grammar of Biblical Hebrew. The world of the bible 57. Geneva, 2007.
-Weingreen, Jacob. Biblical Hebrew: elementary method. Second edition revised and corrected (1959). Trans by Paul Herbert. Paris: Beauchesne, 2007.