Continuing the remarkable work carried out by Brother Jean-Michel DE TARRAGON, o.p., who was in charge of the photo library of the École Biblique et Archéologique Française de Jérusalem for many decades, several members of the academic team met with one of our consultants.
Photo: ÉBAF, Ordo Prædicatorum.
With more than 33,000 photos, the ÉBAF’s photographic collection is exceptional in terms of its size, the subjects it covers and the quality of its images.
Patiently digitised over the years by Br. Jean-Michel, it is now up to us to make it more accessible, particularly to a scientific audience. Although digital technology makes it infinitely easier to disseminate than glass plates, slides and other paper prints, it also presents new challenges, mainly in terms of preserving rights, traceability, attribution, captioning and the quality of photographs.
Following in the footsteps of the fathers JAUSSEN, SAVIGNAC and DE TARRAGON, this is what we now have to tackle. Making these photos available costs money, so please don’t hesitate to make a donation to support the School in this mission.